Born Ready Fitness and Wellness | Be Well...Be Happy – a monthly Wellness blog

Monday, March 27, 2017

Learn How to Get Lean After 50

It is no great secret that the older one gets, the harder it is to get fit and shed unwanted pounds. If fact, depending on your lifestyle, you can actually start having problems starting in your 30s. In the blink of an eye, you are over 50, severely overweight, and suffering from some serious weight-related issues. However, turning 50 is an opportunity to get into the best shape of your life.
Many people over 50 will say they are just too tired to get lean. It is not an unreasonable claim. They have probably reached the busiest time of their lives. When you are over 50, you are likely still in the workforce, helping to take care of grandchildren, and need to look after of your own aging parents' care. Regardless, if done right, getting fit and lean will give you more energy and stamina.
Does getting lean after 50 seem too intimidating? If you follow our suggestions, you will be well on your way to losing weight, becoming fit, and feeling more energized.

Tips to Get Lean After 50

1. Calories - All weight loss programs rely on creating a calorie deficit, when you burn more calories than you consume. This is even true for those "eat as much as you want" diet plans. So, whether it is through calorie counting, eating a nutritionally dense diet, or exercise, you simply need to burn more calories than you are eating.
2. Diet - The best diets are the ones that do not leave you hungry. For this reason, the best path is a diet of nutritionally dense and whole foods. Most processed foods are small portions with high calories and little nutritional value. It may take some work to break an addiction to sugar and simple carbs, but it is well worth the results.
3. Exercise - After 50, in order to lose weight and stay fit, you will need at least 1 hour of intense physical activity daily. The good news is you don't need to do it all at once. You can break that 1 hour up into 3 twenty-minute or 4 fifteen-minute routines. While you may not have a solid hour to commit to exercise, most people can find multiple fifteen- and twenty-minute periods during the day.
4. Strength Training - We don't want to downplay the importance of cardiovascular exercise. However, as we age, lack of muscle strength and bone density have a more debilitating effect. Many people have a fear of getting too bulky. But, it is very difficult to grow large muscles over 50, or at any age, even for the professional bodybuilders.
5. Use a Trainer - A fitness trainer can help you identify and understand your goals. They can help you create an effective plan and assist with the properly use equipment. Moreover, they keep you accountable, supporting you with motivation and encouragement. A good fitness trainer is often the difference between success and failure.

Michael Gulyas
The Motivator

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